free transit的意思|示意
free transit的用法详解
英语单词free transit的用法讲解
free transit是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是免费过境,通过铁路、公路或水路等交通工具,允许有权者或可信者从一个国家穿过另一国家而无需缴纳任何费用。国际上,有许多国家和地区之间都存在这种特殊的关系,为了方便彼此的交往,双方都许可免费通行。
free transit用法正确的句子:
1.The government has given permission for free transit through their country。
2.The country allows free transit to those who have acquired the necessary documents。
3.The country has agreed to allow free transit to those who have legitimate business。
4.We are granted free transit through the neighbouring state for the duration of our stay。
5.The European Union has granted free transit for its member countries。
'free transit相关短语
1、 free transit zone 自由过境区
2、 accord free transit 准许自由过境
3、 free transit through straits 自由通过海峡
4、 barrier-free transit facilities 无障碍交通设施
5、 free perimeter and transit zone 自由边境区和过境区
6、 The Philippines can transit visa-free 菲律宾可以过境免签嘛