on the wing的意思|示意
在飞翔中,在活动中, 忙碌,在旅行中
on the wing的用法详解
英语单词\"on the wing\"通常用来形容鸟类、昆虫或飞行器在空中自由飞翔的状态。除此之外,该短语还有一些其他的用法和引申义,下面简要讲解它们的含义。
1.自由自在的在空中飞翔:这是该短语最常见的用法,它可以用来形容鸟类或其他物体在空中飞行的状态。例如:The seagulls were on the wing, swooping down to snatch fish from the water.(海鸥们在空中自由翱翔,俯冲着从水中捕食鱼类。)
2.在旅途中:on the wing也可以用来表示人在旅途中,尤其是通过飞行器进行长途旅行时。例如:After a long day of flying, we finally touched down at the airport, still feeling a bit weary from our time on the wing.(经过了漫长的飞行之后,我们终于降落在机场,依然感到有些疲惫。)
3.在活动或行动中:该短语还可以用来表示人或物体正在进行某种活动或行动。例如:The protesters were on the wing again, marching through the streets in search of justice.(抗议者们再次走上了行动,走在街上,寻求公正。)
4.在繁忙的状态下工作:on the wing也可以用来形容人在繁忙的状态下工作,从而强调他们的忙碌程度。例如:As a doctor, I'm always on the wing, rushing from one appointment to the next.(作为一名医生,我总是忙得一刻都停不下来,奔波于各个约定之间。)
总的来说,英语单词on the wing有多重含义,但它的核心意义仍然是描述物体在空中自由飞翔的状态。
on the wing相关短语
1、 Wild Goose on the Wing 雁儿在林梢
2、 To swallows on the wing 飞燕也颇有同感
3、 the lark's on the wing 云雀凭风而翔
4、 Bird on the wing 凌霄孤雁
5、 Heart on the wing 心在飞翔,机翼上的心,心的永,心脏上的翅膀
6、 Mingle On The Wing 名乐居
7、 Life on the Wing 翱翔的生命
8、 On The Wing Again 再次飞翔
9、 money on the wing 动流中资金
on the wing相关例句
Time is a chicken forever on the wing.
The fog still slept on the wing above the drowned city.
The old butterfly was as light on the wing as ever.
英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
The birds are on the wing for warmer countries.
He plays on the wing.
He is on the wing, waiting his turn.
他在飞翔, 等待时机.
Who's playing on the wing?
I saw the beautiful bird on the wing.