size field的意思|示意
size field相关短语
1、 full size field test 实际现场试验
2、 size of field 现场广度
3、 focus field size 聚焦范围
4、 entrance field size 入射野尺寸
5、 Default Text Field Size 表设计
6、 axial field size 轴向射野大小
7、 field size dosage 射野剂量
8、 radiation field size 辐射野
size field相关例句
In the Message Consumption section, as shown in Figure 13, specify a new value in the Batch size field.
在Message Consumption部分(见图13),在Batch size字段中指定一个新值。
If the file special file, the size field contains the major and minor device numbers.
At the beginning, the first floating city will be the same size as a soccer field.
The maximum file size field contains non - numeric characters. Specify only numeric characters.
最大文件尺寸域包含 非 数字字符. 只能指定数字字符.
In the Work request queue size field, enter the value that you specified for the message consumption batch size of that monitor model.
在Work request queue size字段输入您为该监视器模型的message consumption batch size指定的值。