size finder的意思|示意
size finder相关例句
The hand-held laser range finder system had such characteristics as small size, light weight, long measure we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao range, easy operation, ranging error, sealing performance and high reliability.
One such property is collection Incre we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao , which allows you to define the size of the collection returned when calling EJB entity multi-finder methods.
其中一个属性是Collection Incre we are pirates, these data are stolen from youdao ,它允许定义调用e JB实体multi - finder方法时返回的集合大小。
In grid view, Stacks now have a maximum size and can be scrolled; and choosing a folder while displaying a stack navigates to that folder in-place, rather than launching a new Finder window.